<aside> π‘ If you want to learn more about how to use this template, check this article β End-of-Year Review & Upcoming Year Planning Ritual
Year Start
Image Representing the Year
Add at the end of the year
Complete at the beginning of the year (mostly focus on answering the questions - do not focus on planning, this is about framing for planning in next section)
Complete this at the beginning of the year (here, try to plan as specifically as possible - in particular upcoming months)
[ ] Review/Update Guiding Principles
<ππ» ADD link to PPV Guiding Principles Database. Update Guiding Principles based on all the reflections.>
[ ] Review/Update North Star
<ππ» ADD link to North Star Database (this Database has entries per year where we review key elements describing North Star). Create a new entry for the upcoming year, which reflects the overall updates on the North Start and some points to focus on the coming year (which will guide Value Goals to focus on in the upcoming year)>
Complete this at the beginning of the year
[ ] Fill in Year Theme & Top-Goals (Objectives & Target Outcomes)
<ππ» ADD these to the Year properties - see on top: Theme (main theme for this year - try to compile the most overarching theme in a simple sentence); Objectives (main objectives of the year - keep it really simple and these are the big objectives of the year, which you have probably defined in the Value Goals and Goal Outcomes)>
[ ] Fill in Quarter Focus
<ππ» ADD link to the PPV Quarters Database. Fill in basic ideas/descriptions of the focus for each quarter. This is very high-level and should be reviewed and adjusted in quarterly reviews>